Event: June 2017

04:00 PM

18. poesiefestival berlin

Franz Dodel: Nicht bei Trost (A Bit Crazy) Start of Marathon Reading / Exhibition opening

Event-Picture: Franz Dodel: Nicht bei Trost (A Bit Crazy) Start of Marathon Reading / Exhibition opening  Franz Dodel c_M.F. Schorro
Franz Dodel c_M.F. Schorro


Swiss poet Franz Dodel (born 1949 in Berne) has been working on his long poem Nicht bei Trost (A Little Bit Crazy) for the last 15 years. His work has now reached 32001 lines and is based on the traditional structure of the Japanese haiku. Franz Dodel will be reading from his work each day during the festival.
Rascha Osman, director of the Culture Section of the Swiss Embassy in Germany, will be opening the the exhibition together with Franz Dodel and will be the first reader in the Marathon Reading.

Come and join in!
Festival visitors are asked to read for 15 minutes each from Nicht bei Trost. Please register for this at www.haus-fuer-poesie.org

Franz Dodel: Nicht bei Trost. The material
Halle 3
An accompanying exhibition makes a spatial presentation of passages from the long poem Nicht bei Trost. The reader becomes observer and stroller, walking through the endless text.
Project leaders: Matthias Kniep | Bettina Henningsen

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Akademie der Künste
Obere Terasse/Halle 3/Glasgang

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
Eintritt frei / Ausstellung 3 €